July 21, 2022

Diane Nordstrom, Bobby Sauerwald and Jesse Davis Are All Part of a Network of Gang Stalking Operators

When the same identities keep popping up, all showing the same traits and engaging in the same behavior, you must look closer.

Diane Nordstrom previously used the name "Kelly Daniels" when attempting to contact Thomas Schoenberger on a Facebook account that was then used by Schoenberger and Iona Miller.

The Facebook account was created 2016.

Sadly, Iona Miller passed away March 2021.

Diane Nordstrom has long had an obsession with Thomas Schoenberger.

Her obsession has included exhaustive efforts to try to destroy his character and reputation.

She was central to enabling the dissemination of the "RDS-DMS" email drops.

Diane Nordstrom is part of a network of gang stalking operators which includes Jesse Davis, himself complicit in the "RDS-DMS" operation.

His own terrible handling of the material saw him leave traces of his identity in the metadata.

Jesse Davis has been silent on the discovery of his identity in the metadata.

He was responsible for disseminating the contents of the emails through his YouTube channel, which is regularly used as a tool for disemminating misinformation and other propaganda.

The entire operation was done in tandem with Esteban Trujillo de Gutierrez, who also exposed himself through terrible handling of the material.

All three individuals deny involvement but the evidence is indisputable.

Diane Nordstrom has also been, for a long time, very involved with Bobby Sauerwald, who uses the handle "Lord Squirrely".

Together, they contribute to the gang stalking and attacks on the many individuals that continue to expose the truth behind this network.

Bobby Sauerwald (full name Robert Allen Sauerwald) was in 2004 charged with home invasion and convicted.

Bobby Sauerwald was Arturo Tafoya's partner in the Abel Danger YouTube channel.

Diane Nordstrom is from Jamestown, New York, and it is likely she has filed false FBI reports, just as her associates have claimed to have done.

Diane Nordstrom is a very bizarre individual.

Accusations of animal cruelty have circulated as multiple pets of hers have deceased in what has been described as "mysterious circumstances".


Whether proof of animal cruelty exists, we don't know.

But there is definitely truth to claims of cyber stalking and her obsession that 'everyone' is Thomas Schoenberger.

Here is Diane Nordstrom trying to claim that Ewan Ritchie is actually Thomas Schoenberger.

This can only be described as one of the most bizarre comments ever posted from Diane Nordstrom, but is not an isolated occurrence.

She is wicked and associates with convicted criminals with a running list of allegations of acting inappropriately with minors, while she simultaneously accuses others at random of child trafficking and other crimes.

She seems very unstable.

When she doesn't get her way, she wishes death upon individuals.

Bobby Sauerwald's association with the network of gang stalkers has consistently exposed his sniping at Thomas Schoenberger.

He has engaged in this activity for many years, using many different handles.

"Shin Sephirium" is just one handle that has been used.

Bobby Sauerwald's activities can be seen right here.

Here he is putting the call out for what he calls "my troll army friends" on Facebook, for a "job".

Bobby Sauerwald is a frequent guest on live streams hosted by Jesse Davis, on YouTube.

His hyperactive behavior makes for difficult viewing, leaving many cringing.

Here he is in a short video pulled from one of Jesse Davis' most recent live streams.


Is Bobby Sauerwald actually doing blackface?

It's unclear whether it's just some kind of strange mask or if he's actually making fun of the black community.

Whatever he is doing, it's part of the pattern of very disturbing behavior which is repeated on every appearance.

Just days after this particular live stream was cast it was removed from YouTube, for supposed "privacy violation".

There is clear evidence of RICO violations by Diane Nordstom, Bobby Sauerwald and Jesse Davis, along with the many other criminals involved in the conspiracy, some of who appear as regular guests on live streams hosted by Jesse Davis.

One regular guest is Daniel Ryan Doud.

The attraction between Jesse Davis and convicted criminals is particularly concerning, as is the pattern of behavior of all of the individuals.

"Vinny DeMartini" is another individual with a criminal history and has served time in prison.

Jesse Davis has surrounded himself with a network of gang stalkers and criminals, and is part of the network.

Many of his associates are either currently engaging in criminal activity, through conspiracy and gang stalking, or have a criminal history.

Is Jesse Davis surrounding himself with known criminals to hide his own alleged crimes?

He claims his criminal record is clean.

That may be so, but it does not dilute the allegations circulating that Jesse Davis had provided a safe haven for convicted pedophile and his brother-in-law, David Voelkert.

Did the conviction of David Voelkert perhaps take the focus off of the alleged crimes of Jesse Davis?

It has been alleged that he acted inappropriately towards his niece while she was under his care.

What exactly did his niece experience or witness while she was staying at the Jesse Davis Compound?

It has also been alleged that Jesse Davis' business, Emergency Drain Service, of South Bend (IN), is possibly being used to launder large amounts of illegal cash.

It's very alarming and does not at all look good for Jesse Davis and his alleged corrupt business practises.

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